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In lieu of flowers, cards of sympathy are appreciated. If attending the service, the family will have a collection box for personal messages to be written on cards for the family near the main entrance.
Herman Adams (affectionately referred to as COACH) was the first-born to T. C. and Mable Louise (Bowen) Adams February 1, 1937 in Memphis TN. He was the eldest of four siblings. He was an outstanding athlete in both football and track. His athletic ability resulted in Radio station WDIA’s selecting him as one of the “GRIDIRON GREATS FOR 1954”. In 1956 he graduated from Booker T. Washington High School in Memphis TN. Herman matriculated to Lincoln University (MO) where he graduated in 1961 majoring in Health & Physical Education & Biology. He was a member of the Eta Sigma Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity. Throughout college he continued to excel in both sports. His most outstanding personal athletic accomplishment was winning 1st place in the 1977 Master’s Olympic Competition relay representing the United States of America in Gothenburg, Sweden.
Coach Adams became Coach at Lester Jr. High in Memphis TN upon graduating from Lincoln. He was Head Football Coach. Upon opening of Chickasaw Jr. High School he joined the faculty as Head Football and Track Coach and Athletic Director. His football record was 209 wins, 125 losses, and 7 ties in football. His teams won many District Championships and four City Championships. His Girl’s track teams competed in events held in Atlanta GA, Raleigh NC and locally. He sponsored many trips for students to universities for exposure to broaden their insights for education. He also worked for the Ridgeway Country Club of Memphis over 55 years.
Coach Adams was greatly involved in helping area youths during the National Summer Youth Program (NYSP) at the University of Memphis for 35 years, trips to visit the Engineering Program at Tennessee State University (TSU). He supported St. Jude & Ronald McDonald House of Memphis TN for 25 years, and donated 12 gallons of blood to Life Blood of Memphis. Another Honor was the naming of Chickasaw Jr High School gymnasium HERMAN ADAMS HEALTH & ATHLETIC COMPLEX. He was awarded the 2012 President’s Award for Lifetime Achievement from Lincoln University.
Herman remained a committed member of Mt. Vernon Baptist Church-Westwood. He was involved in the Birth Month Fellowship and Hospitality Auxillary. He was a Boy Scout Troop Master for 17 years.
He was married to his college sweetheart whom he affectionately called “His BRIDE.” To this union Herman Jerome and Angela Nicole were welcomed. They celebrated 56 years of bliss.
Preceding Herman’s transition was his father, mother, and sister (Alma Louise Gambrill), remaining family members are Emma Willis-Adams (Bride), Herman Jerome Adams (son), following his Legacy are Angela Nicole McGhee (daughter), Faye Doris Brooks (sister), Benny Adams (brother), Daisy Adams (Sister-in-law), GRANDDAUGHTERS: Brittney Renee Canady, Marla Nicole McGhee, Monica Elise McGhee, Caleb Anthony Canady (great grandson), NEPHEWS: Terry Motlow and Michael Adams, NIECES: Toliya Adams-Smith, Tina Motlow-Smith, Tracy Adams, and numerous relatives, friends and acquaintances.
Serenity Funeral Home, Tel. (901) 379-0861.
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620 Parkrose Road
Memphis, TN 38109
620 Parkrose Road
Memphis, TN 38109
Cemetery Details
5484 Hacks Cross Road
Memphis, TN 38125